Study visits

On this page you find information and schedule for the study visits on 3 May.



Departure from Uppsala C and presentation by Leader Mälardalen

Ms Mia Lundqvist and Ms Eva Wrede from Leader Mälardalen, one of Sweden’s 40 Leader areas, will present Leader Mälardalen and their work during the bus ride.


Arrival at Wik castle


Presentation by Fjärdhundraland Economic Association

Mr Mats Thorburn will talk about how Fjärdhundraland went from a Leader project in 2009-2011, to an economic association that gathers more than 160 entrepreneurs, organizations and individuals, successfully making Fjärdhundraland a thriving rural area that attracts visitors from all over Sweden.

Presentation by Wik castle

Wik castle was built in the 15th century and is one of Sweden's best preserved medieval castles. Today, the property is owned by Region Uppsala and a member of the Fjärdhundraland Economic Association. Wik castle will share their experience of being a major actor collaborating with local micro enterprises.



Coffee/tea and something small to eat.


Time to board the buses!

Bus 1 goes to Stabby.

Buses 2 and 3 go to Resta.

Resta farm and "Axel & Gren" at Stabby farm are both run by women with the ambition of finding new and innovative ways to develop their products and their farms. They will tell us about their businesses and what cooperation within the Fjärdhundraland network has meant to them.


Time to board the buses!

Bus 1 goes to Resta.
Buses 2 and 3 go to Stabby.


Time to board the buses!


Arrival at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Ultuna

We will gather in the restaurant for a drink and speeches by Ms. Unn Harsem, Member of the Uppsala Regional Executive Board and Vice-President Dubravka Šuica, Commissioner for Democracy and Demography, European Commission

How to find the buses

If you arrive to Uppsala by train this is how you find the buses:

Karta över stationsområdet i Uppsala.